Never in my life have I fell so deep, hit so hard till I can't get up. Make me shudder, shedding tears whenever it enters my mind, knowing that I've let them down. Often caught myself staring into blank, empty minded. Or even worse, either I have a sudden awake from sleep in the middle of the night or I have a sleepless night. The disturbance it contributed is beyond the words, undescribable. I lost the sense of direction without me realising it. I am completely down.
Yes. That is the impact of it.
To think of it, what's next is far more important than holding on it.
Though the effort went wasted, but lesson learnt.
Well, maybe miracle do happen, only if you believe it.
In the middle of this devastated state, I actually came across with a picture of Him while googling the info for a musical production. The next moment I know is the peaceful feeling that flowing in my heart, such a warm and intense feeling that somehow calm me down.
Maybe you wouldn't believe it but this is exactly what had happen to me.
Good day everyone (=
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Take a look.
Just a quick update here.
It turns out I update this blog only once a month. Thanks to my work. I'm so caught up with it. I can truly become a workaholic. Well, have potential at least. The fact that when I start to work, every part of me is so revolve around it. What makes it looks like it's a bad thing is sometimes I don't feel hungry at all during working time. So, chances for me to accidentally skip meal Apart from keeping and fulfilling the promises, food is delivered to me on time, all thanks to my sister and the someone (you know who you are... *wink*)
Time really flies without letting you know. It certainly won't stop by and wait for you. Therefore, appreciate every little things, be it a short text or conversation or the time you spend with people you love and care. It's pretty fascinating when you discover pieces by pieces of details every time you make yourself available for them. Sometimes you will even get inspiration from them. *Ting... Ting* The lightbulb shining bright on top of your head and before you realize it, tons of ideas start flowing in your mind :)
Well, sometimes you will find no matter how great the mistakes made by them are, you will still find them amazing.
Last but not least, resolution of the month.
February 2012
- Gratitute
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
-- Oprah Winfrey
Good day!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Smile like you've never smiled before
Hello 2012!
It's another brand new year with fresh new start.
Of course, there's none other than new resolution.
Not that I don't want to list down mine, but I always thought I prefer to go with the flow and let the chips fall where they may.
But then to think about it, such go-with-the-flow attitude only applies to certain situation.
Or worse, it may just shows that I have no goal and do not wish to accomplish anything in this year.
Therefore, instead of Yearly Resolution, I decided to make a Monthly Resolution.
The previous one shall not be forgotten while the new one is constantly make.
Let's begin with...
― Dr. Seuss“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Let's begin with...
January 2012
- Smile more. Allow myself to be happy.
― Dr. Seuss“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”
― Nelson Mandela

To be continue in next month...
Never say goodbye when you still want to try
Never give up when you can still take it
Never say you don't love them when you can't let go
Note: Try to spot the little thing on my blog that I've created.
Hint: It's my favorite and it is BLUE!
Feel free to leave a comment to guess what's that little something =D