Never in my life have I fell so deep, hit so hard till I can't get up. Make me shudder, shedding tears whenever it enters my mind, knowing that I've let them down. Often caught myself staring into blank, empty minded. Or even worse, either I have a sudden awake from sleep in the middle of the night or I have a sleepless night. The disturbance it contributed is beyond the words, undescribable. I lost the sense of direction without me realising it. I am completely down.
Yes. That is the impact of it.
To think of it, what's next is far more important than holding on it.
Though the effort went wasted, but lesson learnt.
Well, maybe miracle do happen, only if you believe it.
In the middle of this devastated state, I actually came across with a picture of Him while googling the info for a musical production. The next moment I know is the peaceful feeling that flowing in my heart, such a warm and intense feeling that somehow calm me down.
Maybe you wouldn't believe it but this is exactly what had happen to me.
Good day everyone (=