December is always been marked as the busiest month in my calendar.
Simply because of MITRA Dhamma Youth Camp and this year is the 16th year we've organized the camp.
I like how this camp have made a tremendous change to my life as well as the person I've became today. And I definitely love the person I've became and that's the reason why since I joined the camp for the very first year, I keep coming back despite my busy schedule.
Not to tell, it's been such a great pleasure working with a group of dedicated, committed and talented people. It sounded fun indeed but at the back of the fun we face the challenge no one can ever understand. Despite having the obstacles that constantly put our patience on test, we pull through it together. At times, situation might be gone out of hand, our temper flare like no other, our heartbeat keep racing, yet we still manage to stand strong and give our fullest support for one another in hope that all our effort worthwhile when people who participate this camp actually do learn something instead of bringing back a blank page.
Last but not least, I would like to thank the board of committee for making this year's camp another memorable one.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
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